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Winter Athletics Meeting
November 18, 2024 6:30 pm
Fuller Cafeteria at Leicester High School

The Winter Athletic Night Meeting is a required event that gives our athletes and their families the information necessary for the upcoming season. All those who attend will receive information on the upcoming season such as; tryout times, athletic expectations, a refresher on MIAA Rules, and a review of requirements for registration. 

For those not in attendance at the meeting, please view the attached presentation, print and sign the last page, and return it either electronically or in hardcopy form to the Athletic Director. 

LPS Athletic Night Presentation, Winter 2024-25.pdf

Winter Tryout Schedule

High School -
Boys Basketball - Mon 12/2/24, LHS Gym (Freshman & Sophomore 5:30-7), (Juniors & Seniors 7:00-9) 
Girls Basketball - Mon 12/2/24, LHS Gym (All Grades 2:30-4:30) 
Indoor Track - Mon 12/2/24,  (2:30-4:00 LMS Cafeteria to Start)
Unified Winter Sports - (Time & Location TBA)

Middle School -
Boys Basketball - Mon 12/2/24, LMS Gym (4:30-6:00 on Mon 12/2, 4:00-5:30 on Wed 12/4)
Girls Basketball - Mon 12/2/24, LHS Gym (3:30-4:30 on Mon 12/2, 2:30-4:00 on Tue 12/3) 

Sports Registration Required Elements 

1. Physical - Every athlete needs a valid physical on file with the school nurse to be eligible to participate in the season. Physicals are generally good for 13 months, and it is possible for a physical to run out during a sports season. Please make sure that your physical on file is valid. 

2. Athletic Meeting Attendance - Every athlete must attend the Athletic Meeting for their sports season with a parent/guardian in attendance. During this meeting we will review critical information for the season. If you do not attend the meeting you must sign off that you have reviewed the information discussed during that meeting. 

3. Academic Standing - Every athlete must be in good academic standing in order to participate in their perspective season. For Fall Athletes this includes your previous academic year grades, for Winter Athletes this includes your first quarter and second quarter grades, and for Spring athletes it is your third quarter grades. 

4. Athletic Fees - There are $75/$100 fees for athletes to participate in athletics. For families there is a $225/$300 cap for the school year. For those who wish there is an Athletic Fee Reduction Form available, and for those athletes who do not make teams that have cuts there is a Athletic Fee Refund form available as well. No refunds are available once the season begins. 

Please forward questions to:
Mr. Michael Lynch, Director of Athletics
Leicester Public Schools
964 Main St. Leicester MA  01524
[email protected]

Athletic Fee Reduction Form
Parent/Guardian and Student-Athlete Resources
 A Quick Guide to Substance Use Services for Young People
 7 Ways To Protect Your Teen from Alcohol and Other Drugs
 NFHS Concussion Training

Mandatory Training and Pledge
 Implicit Bias Course 
 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Pledge

Winter Sports Registration is Now Closed! 

Winter Reg 2024-25
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